A large forest

Climate Change – What It Does and What You Can Do

Did you know that little increases in temperature can have more of a long-term effect than you think? We'll explain all about the state of climate change, and what you can do to stop it.

The temperature goes up every once and a while. So what? Well, these little increases in temperature can have more of a long-term effect than we think! Imagine the temperature increased by a degree once a year. After less than 60 years of this, summer temperatures could be deadly! Realistically, the temperature is increasing way less than the example, but it’s still something to be worried about. Don’t believe me? Here are some of the places climate change is taking place!

There is a main cause of climate change that many people think of when they think of global warming. You may have heard of The Greenhouse Effect. Although the name appears like it’d help the planet, The Greenhouse Effect causes lots of harm.

There are many kinds of gasses sitting in the atmosphere that help keep sunlight and heat inside the planet. We used to have just the right amount of gasses in the atmosphere. They would keep enough heat in, and let the rest out. These days, things like oil burning have released an unhealthy amount of those gasses into the atmosphere. This means that too much heat is being let in, and not enough is being let out.

Now it’s time to do your part in stopping climate change. You may be thinking “Whatever little thing I do won’t stop climate change!” Just know that each bit helps, and if everyone is helping out, we could make a big difference!

  1. Avoid using petrol-fueled vehicles. They can burn fuel and spread gasses to the atmosphere.
  2. Don’t use planes often. A large passenger plane can burn more than 81,000 litres of fuel on just a 5 hour flight!
  3. Don’t throw away food. Lots of resources go into making the food you eat. Throwing it away would be even more wasteful!
  4. Be creative! Try to find different things in your life that can help reduce the number of gasses being spread to the atmosphere.

I hope that this shows you how much the things we do can impact the state of the world. I encourage everyone to speak up to any food wasters, excessive plane riders, or anyone being disrespectful to the place we live in. Earth is our home, and we will always respect it.