The Ghost of Kyiv Was Never Real, Ukraine Admits

Recently, the Ukrainian government admitted the pilot nicknamed "The Ghost of Kyiv" was never real. Find out more at Topic Forever!

What is This?

The Ghost of Kyiv was believed to be a plane pilot who took down multiple Russian forces. Now, the Ukrainian government has admitted that the Ghost of Kyiv was a legend created by a mixture of the government and the people. 

The Ghost Was Never a Ghost

Earlier this week, the Ukrainian government revealed the identity of the ghost of Kyiv as Major Stepan Tarabalka, but now they are saying that he was not the ghost of Kyiv and he did not take down 40 Russian planes. The idea of the ghost was to create morale through positive propaganda and uplift the Ukrainian people, but when the story started to go viral it gained depth. It helped the Ukrainian people gain hope during the invasion, the death of this myth has affected the morale of a nation and could potentially bring the people to its knees.