An empty courtroom

Celebrity Actor, Johnny Depp Faces Scary Ex-wife Abuse Case

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are battling in a Domestic Abuse Case. We'll keep you informed on what's happening, the story and more!

During the very public civil court case against Johnny Depp’s wife, Amber Heard over abuse and defamation, Johnny Depp had a countersuit filed against him for abuse. This entanglement has been going on for a multitude of years after their divorce in 2017. Originally, Ms. Heard claimed abuse from Mr. Depp, but this was later disproved by photo and character testimonials in court. During this court case, Mr. Depp lost his role in The Pirates of the Caribbean and Fantastic Beast Franchises. After this trial, although proven innocent, Ms. Heard had an interview where she said Mr. Depp had abused her, violating a court order. This led to the 50 million dollar lawsuit which is currently being tried in court.

This case is expected to last upwards of 6 weeks, but being a very public case a testimony has already been stricken from the record after only 3 days. This case shows the violence and anger that exists in the 1% life, with people believing they can get away with anything. The story is a shameless matter of a thing that should not exist anymore. Domestic abuse is a large issue that occurs all over the world, but the fact that it is being brought into the light because of two celebrities fighting is just sad. This topic should be a big conversation around the world! My only hope for this trial is that it brings more awareness to domestic abuse.