A game of Wordle - The daily word guessing game

The Simple Word Game That Blew up Worldwide

When Josh Wardle made a game for his wife during the pandemic, he would have never expected what the game turned into...

You may have heard of Wordle, a simple word guessing game. Players have 6 tries to guess a random 5 letter word. The game has blown up worldwide and now has millions of players! Josh Wardle created the game for his wife, because she was bored during the pandemic. They shared the game with family, and they loved it too. After that, it gradually grew until it became a worldwide sensation! Oh, and this whole game hasn’t pulled in any revenue!

Update: Josh announced that Wordle has been sold to The New York Times for a multimillion dollar sum! The game will stay free for now, but may be added to their “available with a NYT subscription” section later.

This shows you that no one should try to become famous. Just do what you want to do! You never know, maybe you will be the Wordle creator of the future!